I have not writen on this blog for a while. Days have started rather cold for the last couple weeks, even as low as -14 degrees C. This morning was just 0, but it was dark. The promised sun never appeared. It was so dark that inside the house I could not read without switching on the light. Depressing. Unruly. Lazy.
Nothing seemed to be encouraging to do some creative work. Just to get myself somehow in the spirit, as I went to pick up my mail, I walked around the garden and found couple primulas blooming. This one had the brightest smile. She did not worry about the cold or the oak leaves shedded for the winter. She still keeps blooming through the trash.
A good example for my dreary mind - life is worth blooming no matter that the sky is dark.There will be sun an other day. So I took couple pictures of this brave plant and came back in to try getting my thinking in positive degree.