It has been a dark weather all week. Every morning looking out the window seemed like
end of season too fast and too depressing.
It had me going though quite content. I had some very pleasant visitors to uplift my soul.
I had my car repaired and when I paid the estimated amount, the men came out before I left and gave me back $ 50.00. It really surprised me. People like that are hard to find these days. I was so happy, went right from there to get my car the winter rust proof oiling and that also was costing less than I had expected. I had some other phoning business to do. I thought I wont be able to manage by myself, but it worked. I also got a phone call that my book has been done - the 2nd print - and will be delivered on Saturday. Great blessings all through the week despite the dreary weather.
Today with nothing to worry about I stood at the front window and realized that autumn is rushing fast to make room for winter. Not heavy, but it rained. The rainwater beat the rusty leaves from my oak that normally hangs on to it way into snow. The whole lawn was covered with carpet-like fallen leaves. Discouraging, somehow. Then I thought we are suppose to find something positive in any situation. Thinking that and of feeling sad, I noticed that the fallen leaves, being wet, sort of glittered. It just touched my soul - there is Light somewhere and even in the rain it glows. Maybe it was kind of guilt feeling that I did not say thanks to the Lord for having this day so still and actually pretty. Was I on the way to complain? About the weather darkness? I know better - just too bad I did not have anyone for this morning to share the sight and the sillent glow of heaven's Light shining of the leaves...
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