Those two are sitting right beside my computer and I see them every day - knick- knacks. They make me avoid being lonesome. The little doll - Anne of Green Gables - I bought myself when I was in PEI touring Maude Montgomery's place, the beginning of this story about Anne. Some how I do feel like she is myself in miniature. The teddy bear - Burden Bear - was given to me by Jean some years ago when I had the blues, don't remember for what, but it does remind me that there is always somebody who cares.
They are sitting on my computer loudspeakers and especially evenings, when I play some gospel music (playing solitaire), it calms me down from the days rush through the deeds and thoughts that never get finished or answered. Some such little memorabilias help to calm down thoughts that tend to reach into the unknown future and appreciate today ending with peace in my soul.
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