I came upon this one and thought why did I make it? I must have had some dark moment to get through. The candlestick is a gift from my father when I had my life at a dead end, but God did not think so.
Now I have a bunch of unruly thoughts and that made me think about darkness. We all have some extremely dark nights in our life. Dad said at the time that the smallest candle is still a light,
and no night lasts forever.
That made me open the Bible at Ecclesiastes and reread the section.. there is time for everything...
Time? We have calendars, clocks, watches and other contraptions that tells us time. Just what time? Life is a time.
How do we measure it and when the end for it comes?
I find that time spent with other people, particularly with true friends and ones who appear to have a dark moment at this time, seems to make the time pass without thinking about when will my life end. The trouble of to day is that we are running, running, running - where? We don't gain more God's gifted time for us. So why do we run? The calendar days come and go again and again. Do we account at the end of the day if we have lived that day contented and made someone else happy?
Jean has gone this morning to Florida. If she would read this I can hear her saying "you are thinking too much". Am I? For what purpose has God granted me these days?
The more I think about it the more humble I feel, because I don't know what God's goal is for me. I guess I am writing a sermon for myself right now, because I don't have answers for questions I am asking myself...
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