It's a day to have serene time. There is a nature's power outside. It snows. At times the wind makes its unruly moves twisting the snow up and down in spirals, blowing the last dried leaves it manages to rip of the oak tree and turns them in wild circles on the snow covered earth. Does the wind know what it is up to?
The birds at the feeder are shy trying to get some seeds, same time sitting low to keep their feet warmer in the snow. They also are trying to avoid fights with other species. There are quite a few attending, not that I know all their names.
Just watching them I'm thinking of ourselves - people - Christians....
We don't take time enough to stop and watch how God provides those little creatures. Who do they complain to if the snow covers the feeder too deep and they have to miss meals for undetermined time?
The snow stopped me of going to church this morning, even so I had done with some joy a New Brunswick salad for the luncheon after service. It just did not have to be. That is why I am taking time looking out the window from inside a warm house after having a healthy breakfast and trying to be content.
It is some silent sight for not using my own will to go. Just had to stop and realize how well, though it seems insignificant, God's blessings we have.
I took this picture from the porch, but the birds did not like my presence and took off. Anyway, I did just to remember myself how much we miss the sermons we can learn from everything around us.
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