Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Begining January 1st 2009

2008 last night

Last day of an other year of my life. Last picture I took before it turned dark at my place. Along the old custom beliefs I did go to town, paid my bills and mailed letters that had been forgotten to mail. Coming back home was rather dangerous because it snowed very fine. The wind blew the snow in spirals and every different way. Visibility was hard. I got home safe.
Because of the habit to have it all that has to be done before the new year starts I had cleaned the house, done the laundry and all the little things that actually is part of normal daily living. Only on new years eve we are suppose to take particular care of it, then the tell-tale says that what you do on the first day of a new year so you do all year around. Who wants to be disorderly all year round?
So since there was not much to do and my mind was buzzing with thoughts what to put on the blog as a fare well to the old year, I watched the snow through the window. It did change from few flakes making a small rounds and floating down taking their time to big ones and even to squalls. The sun was trying to flash a smile through them, but it did not came very bright. Then I kind of danced with the flakes back through this year. Like the snow flakes every day has been different, at least in my perception. I was thinking how we spent new year's night when I was young. New year never had any religious meaning, at least that I can recall. But there was all kinds of , maybe superstitious, customs that the young people used to do at the parties.
They all were to us like a party games. One was that a person stood with the back to the outside door and threw a shoe over the shoulder. If the shoe fell with the toe towards the door that meant this person will move out of the place. If it was with the heel to the door, he or she will live there the rest of the year.
Then we also melted zinc in tablespoons on a candle and when it was runny dropped it in a cold water, where it splattered out in different forms. They got picked up and held on hand letting the light create shadow on the wall and everybody tried to interpret what they saw in the shadow - guessing what will come in the new year their way. It was amazing enough and we had a lot of laughs.
Now - I just like to be by myself and start the new year quietly wishing that the whole year will be peaceful. I don't remember us starting the year going to church, but now I am looking forward to it. I guess I have learned by now that without God there might not even be a new year. Besides I feel like the church still is the best place to say thank you to God for the year ended and pray for His help to live the new year as much as possible for his service.
Now I think I should finish this blog and put on another when the new year arrives.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Last night's storm
Merry Christmas and God's blessings through the New Year to all !

It was scary. The wind blew like it wanted to demolish the house. It took the cover of the bird feeder and slammed it to the garage door. Scared me for a minute, but then I had to get out to salvage before it gets buried in snow. I went out not even getting dressed for outside, just like I was inside.I put the lid back on and weight it down with a clay brick.
Back inside thoughts were drifting in the unknown. I lit the candle and thought, since I had e-mailed many cards on a program the receivers could not open, to write my Christmas Wishes on the blog. People who care would read it.
I decided to ad the poem I had written on some of the cards.
Since I am always getting in trouble to manipulate the computer, I did not manage to put the poem beside the picture. But this occupied my mind last night until I fell asleep and did not hear the wind any more.
This morning the wind was still tearing the snow in squalls, but by the time the light came up it was quiet. I just simmered down, got properly dressed and went out to clear the snow away from the bird feeder and make a pas to the garage. I scattered more seeds here and there on the pavement and door steps.
The birds did not take long to appreciate the seeds and I was watching them from inside - an other day I am up and done a bit of good for the creations...
Christmas meditation
and much that we loved got lost.
Pushed by the rush of every day running
trying to catch the unending dreams
do not pass the little candle
lit in the Christmas tree.
This little humble candle
reminds, where ever we are,
the star of Bethlehem still shines
like the night when Christ was born.
His Light will never vanish
regardless how dark this world turns,
because He will come again
bringing Light of eternal Peace.
Monday, December 15, 2008
I'm trying...

Saturday, December 13, 2008
I typed this yesterday with so many spelling errors I had to delete it. So this is the corrected version.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Snowy day

Monday, December 1, 2008
December 1.2008

It's hard, not in my nature to complain.
But already last night my TV satellite did not respond. I could not watch the news. Hoping that this morning it will be better - no such luck. Aggravating. Phoned Bell Express. Took an hour and half to follow what a girl told me to do. I suppose she got tired explaining and said it's fine now, leave for two ours on and it will turn to normal, then turn what channel you like. I had got stuck on the weather channel last night.
So after all the trembling while following the girls directions my blood pressure went up and I was not sure I should not go to emergency before I get a stroke. Anyway, two hours later the picture came on to the weather channel. I switched to CTV and all I got was scattering colours and partial syllables of the report. I did feel sick. Switched the TV off and debated weather I should call Dirk tonight. But that just got my blood pressure higher - I don't like to be constantly bothering him. Finished an other afghan , took a tranquilizer, laid down long enough to read a short story and then decided to call Bell back again. The tranquilizer must have stopped my inside trembling. I did get a man directing what to do this time. Did not take long - he said they have had so many complaints because most TVs have not been updated and the recent snow storms have affected Ontario's receptions. So he ordered a service man for Dec. 4th to come and adjust it. After me telling about the number of services I've had this year, he said that I've been such a long time customer, they will serve and update, but it cost $75.00. I laughed and sad that sure makes expensive news time for me, then that is all I watch. So he said after a bit of checking, that for a good customer they will not charge the service, just my monthly pay will be up extra $4.20. Well, I just said thank you and he assured that the man will be here at noon Thursday. I do feel more calm now, the pill must have made more actions inside me.
Somehow I could not get to any distant work, just now though, the bread machine beeped, I will have a fresh bread for change.
I really feel like to complain or scream about all these complicated deeds. I understand better, but it is hard to keep myself in calm control.
So I was looking for a photo that would picture my angry mind, but instead I found this last years snow day in middle of November and it looked so clean and peaceful, I just sat down, watched it a while and then thought to put it on the blog. We have had days with not exactly pleasant weather. So look at that one and see: complain or anger - the Lord covers it clean and white...
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Last day in November 2008
The morning routine got done fast and I was sitting and waiting for the time to go to church. We had again the pastor of Newmarket service today. I really did not follow well the sermon, sort of tended to fall asleep. After the service we had the council’s report on what has happened since Octobers report when they suspended Ken because he committed adultery. Kind of a sad situation. I don’t like to judge anyone, but – “…for those tears I died…” does not get of my mind. Two couples have now separated and by the looks of it will never try to reconcile.
I just don’t feel right about the whole thing. My instinct received Ken with an open statement: “I don’t like you”. Though I still don’t know why I had that feeling. There was something in his face and in his posture that just stirred this feeling in me. I did try to connect with him in his personal visits, but I don’t think he even tried to look deeper in me. Now Clare is shedding tears. Honestly I don’t believe she is loosing much. Their children have capsulated themselves inside, none are being open on their blogs. And I can not get back into my creative thinking. The whole congregation is distraught and sort of lost. Feels like the togetherness has scattered in different directions. There are also several serious sicknesses for some members and it just feels like the load is too heavy.
I usually do not do any recreational work on Sunday’s, but today I finished the one lap-afghan Mary Jane wants for some nursing home. I still am restless and disturbed. I feel I failed as a Christian to touch Ken when he visited me. Bu t I guess it always takes two – one who gives and one who receives. Do I make a justification for myself? Just does not feel right…
I was suppose to go to Marmora for the writers exhibition and stay with Inta over night. The forecast for the weather was scary so I cancelled it. Last I heard was that the expected storm should start about 2:00 PM today. So far there has not been anything but clouds. Now it’s 3:00 PM and I can see outside the wind starts getting restless. That does not help my mood either.
I poured myself a glass of wine well knowing it isn’t going to cheer me. It’s stupid, but I hope it makes me go to bed earlier and tomorrow always seem to be better…
It starts snowing now and I am as frustrated as one can be not knowing next word to say and to whom...
Saturday, November 22, 2008

I am having hard time to get on the blog what I like. Last night was so beautiful to take that
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Just enjoyed back then...

Monday, November 17, 2008
Little things

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Time gone by

Friday, November 14, 2008
Time passes
Life is like a wind
We don’t know when and how
It comes and goes
Or when will it stop
We try to survive through it
What ever it brings
Your soul develops all along
Weather you like to or not,
Change or put up with it
Either way learning
Willingly or not
Trying to find joy and peace
Out of all you can do
Though it isn’t in your power
To stop the wind of life…
And so the days go. Now three days no sun. Depressing. I know that is the season for it, I just don't feel able to find more joyous thoughts. I make mistakes on the computer and have hard time keeping myself calm about it. Some how anger tries to find a way in me, though I don't like to take it.
There will be a writers gathering In Marmora end of this month. I hope the weather will be good then. I just like to get out of here. The blanket of fallen leaves on my lawn and the greyness of the days makes me feel forgotten with them. Marmora isn't far from my daughters place and I plan to spend the night with her.
Just a dream to get out of loneliness...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The road we take

Monday, November 10, 2008
restles evening
I’ve been thinking
Of all the happenings
People made opinions about
What is right like?
People make schedules
Because there is someone
Who feels more righteous than others?
Do we know or do we think
That all our education
And all that our ancestry taught us
Is the perfect way to live?
Who are we?
Just Homo sapient, theoretically
Does or will any so called human
Ever know to prove
The higher power who or what
Created this world or what its destiny will be?
We are so used to organized orders
Where does feelings and emotions fit in?
Why do we have any?
The so called primitive living was
Closer to Creator
No matter how we labeled it
Or if we have a religious opinion or not
We never know the truth.
To fit in the society we live
We are not suppose to think different.
We have only one time to live
Why are we creating
All the opinions
We just assume to be right?
Who knows what the absolute right is?
We all trip some time or other
Life’s road isn’t without falls in the way
Every one of us has a soul
How do we know
Where is the difference how you feel
Or how I feel?
It’s easy to judge
But it is hard to live
By who’s order?
God’s mind is a mystery to us,
That is if we believe He is the most
But who can prove it
In today’s perception
Mostly electronically
Why do we have to be so judgmental?
In a time we don’t know
That we will have more off for ourselves?
I am not pointing at any particular happening
Just, I am deep in dusting my own soul
Where am I wrong?
Saturday, November 8, 2008
thoughts flipping through previous photos

Thursday, November 6, 2008
foggy morning

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008
searching soul peace

Thursday, October 30, 2008
just a floating thought of today

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
just meditating

Monday, October 27, 2008
A day to calm down

This picture is at Burton Ave United Church in Barrie, Mr. Klassen preparing to play.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
mixed emotions

Sunday, October 19, 2008
At Bracebridge

thinking why it is there, how did it get where it is and why is it as it is. Do we look at beautiful things and places just because of their form or colour? To me it all are unwritten messages to think about the non visible symbolism or metaphors or even guidance to live, that God keeps sending to us. How often do we try to read and interpret that application to our lives?
Lot of the flowers don't bloom in our lifes, because we trample on them. Lot of the thorns are piercing us, because we don't pay attention where we go. Tears - washes the wounds, but does not bring back time.
I guess I should quit, I am getting too deep in my thoughts for now. The little haiku just came with this picture when I could not pass by. At the time it just stirred my attention and I took it.
Now I think it is great to reflect.
Life’s river reflects
Many flowers, thorns and tears
Just temporary
Saturday, October 11, 2008
it felt like Sunday

My sister came today and we went looking at the autumn coloured trees on roads we never been before. This road side maple alley made me think about human autumn. Both of us are in the later part of it. Each one ages differently, not by our choice. We did not use exactly the same words to enjoy the colourful views, but it certainty was a day as I can remember, we never had together in this country. We both are widows, not feeling like going anywhere alone, it makes the loneliness feel more even if the sights are beautiful; it was. I thank God for having such a day and told her that was the best part of it. The picture might not be the best we saw, but I am still not very familiar what my camera can do and how I should handle it. Anyway, it was a day better than any Caribbean holiday.Tough early couple days, great Thanks Giving Day for me.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Eduard Klassen

Sunday, October 5, 2008
I did it
Saturday, October 4, 2008

It is sort of shady day. Once in a while the sun comes out, but like the story tells, the ash tree sprouts the leaves late and sheds them first. Nature tells the weather story, we just don't pay attention to understand it.
This is what I see first thing in the morning as I open my eyes still in bed. Amazing how I got used to whatch that particular tree grow taller and how it reacts for the seasons. It does impress on my mood for the day starting. When the leaves turned yellow it looked beautiful, but the beauty was a begining of the announcement for the autumn. Now it's just a question: when is the first frost appearing?
There is moment in this morning's sight to think about, namely Thanks Giving. I have few people I can't find words how to say thank you good enough. So the best I can do silently thank God for sending them in my life.
I started the course in Photography and that will take some time out of my creative production in writing. The chalenge is trilling. Never too old to learn; keeps me outof mischief.
It took me best part of this day to accomplish this, but it is one step forward and the day was not entirely wasted.
Wow, I made it without grammatical errors too.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
still confused
The text I was trying to write yesterday was about having a lot of arthritic pain and this registered right away in my mind: why is the end of my life's road so painful? Will there be a Light after the end?
Though the place where I took this picture radiated peace though the walking was rough. Am I dwelling in too mach negative thoughts?
I still like the picture, it is encouraging.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Dark day
Monday, September 29, 2008
First try to do something on the blog
Cocktail recipe
©Anna Plesums
my life’s cocktail
is made of words and feelings
a drop of imaginary love
reality and theories
found and doubted
learning the hard way
tripping over thoughts of death
running, grasping, catching,
saving the impossible dreams
years fly by changing constantly
it isn’t finished yet -
aging brings new flavors
loneliness, sorrows, partings,
drop by drop
once in a while little joy
shared silently
when heart feels that no one cares
I sip that cocktail – one day at a time
by instinct or on order from God
wishing that at some point it will
have a taste of true peace
for the last drop I drink