Thursday, July 16, 2009

just thinking with no answers...

I received today four of my contemporaries pasing away this week. Some were younger than I parting with this world. I can not avoid thinking about God's will. Where do I stand in there?

I have no spiritual mentor right now. The only way to shake my soul is to put something in poetry, though I am not sure if that gives any relief of thougths about how far is my death

In the book

I’m writing not really knowing what for.
Every one is getting old
There are no written instructions
For process of how.
I think I do believe in God,
But I am human
And how do I know the reality?
So far, I feel, still to have my common sense
To receive aging as it advances.
It’s scary to admit
And hard to drop an ever lasting thought
How will it end?
Will I get disabled and hurt?
Hard to give up the activities
I used to do and liked.
My body starts protesting moves.
Pain is a new element.
Hard to accept consequences.
Do I trust abstract, spiritual, hope to God
When there is no other support
For aging soul to hold onto?…

The only choice to avoid
That shaky waiting time
To leave this world
Don’t think
Just live the best today...