Sunday, January 3, 2010


Just snowing the third day in a row,
very fine flakes,
but little drops of water
make the big oceans -
so these little snowflakes
with the help of unruly wind
covers the world
to keep us from running,
making a day to think
without going anywhere.

I looked at the pictures taken this year
only three days -
weather we like it or not
-inconvenient - learn patience -
- and then I thought this picture
shows a sight of a veil to cover
all the grime, if only for a moment...
...good reason to be grateful...

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Day 2010/01/01


the colour of purity

expected for Christmas

winter solstice
December 21st, no snow
my primula still
blooms November 1st

This morning all is white, all is covered with soft snow.
New year begins pure white and still keeps snowing.
Actually - I feel peace - clean, serene, not by our creation -
-just be still and know - we make the paper calendar
-the Great Creator finds it different -
-enjoy in peace and take a resolution for the
New Year to let it all be taken care by the Almighty Power...