Monday, June 3, 2013

June 3rd,2013

It is so hard to follow the window's change forms. I had a good day today and thought to just write about it so that it makes me more comfortable to find the way how to add the next post. Why do they have to change it?
Anyway I wanted to put down my thoughts even so they are meaningless to anyone else.
Cassandra will come Wednesday and cut the done blooms of my lilacks. It isn't easy to think that I should do it my self, but -  the age puts a tremble on my balance to risk climbing the stairs. I am glad I have the girl so willing to do the work.
It does give me also a peace of mind that my garden still gets kept reasonably good. This morning I noticed that the new seeds on the place where the spruce tree was dug out has come up and looks great. It seems like I can see them sprouting higher. Well - maybe poets vision.
Actualy I don't remember what I wanted to write before I found the way to open the draft place.
Now I like to see if I find a way to post it on the blog.

June 3rd,2013

It is so hard to follow the window's change forms. I had a good day today and thought to just write about it so that it makes me more comfortable to find the way how to add the next post. Why do they have to change it?
Anyway I wanted to put down my thoughts even so they are meaningless to anyone else.
Cassandra will come Wednesday and cut the done blooms of my lilacks. It isn't easy to think that I should do it my self, but -  the age puts a tremble on my balance to risk climbing the stairs. I am glad I have the girl so willing to do the work.
It does give me also a peace of mind that my garden still gets kept reasonably good. This morning I noticed that the new seeds on the place where the spruce tree was dug out has come up and looks great. It seems like I can see them sprouting higher. Well - maybe poets vision.
Actualy I don't remember what I wanted to write before I found the way to open the draft place.
Now I like to see if I find a way to post it on the blog.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunday , June 2nd.

What a struggle! I got it on after bothering Dirk all evening. How did I do - I don't know. I'm glad that I made it there. It is the time of the year when I feel creative, not always to my capacity, but willing. Right now I just have to send million thanks to Dirk for trying to organize my scattered mind to manage the computer blog. I don' even know if I can make another addition tomorrow, but for to day I am happy. Thanks, Dirk, though I don't kow how I got it done.

May 14 2013

I wish I could write on my log, but I am stuck and Dirk is away at the cottage. I am trying to get the Afghans done for the bridal shower.  Hard on my hands. I do get up and just watch out the window.

How little we notice the beauty of every day surroundings.  Maybe I am not like most people. I do find a true joy just watching how the leafs are getting bigger day by day, how the lilac and apple blossom buds are opening, how the birds don’t seem to be happy that I am cutting down on the feeding. It is time they get uses on self support. The whole place looks so peaceful.

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The two rabbits are enjoying them selves and I do enjoy there connection or disagreements.  It just is peace people ignore. It is a beauty better than any human artist can make.  Being alone I do feel abandoned lots of time, but when I look out there – I’m not. The Lord creates the view to peace…


                                                                        My 14, 2013

It is late to be awake for me. It has been a busy day. I was doing work that actually is beyond my capability, but I did feel good and can not say that my arthritis made too big of pain. I was anxious to try my electric lawn mover. Sonja does not want to do this work, at least for me that I know, any more. So I have to find someone to help me doing with the work my body refuses to handle. Dirk’s son Nathaniel was going to do the cutting. It isn’t grown enough to do it yet, but I thought , I have still the electric lawn mover in the shed and decided to try if it works after all the years it has been laying there open to rust and what ever deteriots it.
 To my own surprise, I did manage to get it going and even cut the places on the lawn where the weeds had grown bigger. It works. I can do some of myself – for exercise.  Maybe not the whole lawn at once, but it makes me feel good that it did not hurt me. My back wasn’t really happy about it but it was not more that I could not handle without taking painkillers. Great feeling to be able to manage once need by me.
I do have problem with the computer. I still can not find how to get additional entries in my blog.  Dirk said he will come and see what he can correct in m my mess. He is such a great helper; I have no way of how to thank him.
So I decided to write just on any file and transfer later to the blog.
The e-mail I got from Ruta – I can see that her life has a different way of floating through than mine.  Indra does not answer much on my e-mails. Where are relationships between siblings?
Maybe I am different, but in what way do I deserve to be ignored?
I am sure glad I found connection with God and belong to the church where people try more or less to live as Jesus asked them. So do I.
It does bring peace in the soul even in a little creations God has made and normally we don’t notice. Well, for me it is the thing to enjoy and know – we don’t rule anything in our life. In a way I am glad even so some days are hard to help my mind at peace.
 See how I manage from now. Depends of when Dirk will find time and set my mind technically at peace. He is great and I do admire how he manages all the good deeds he does. May god bless him.

                                                                                    May 19, 2013

I wish I could write on my log, but I am stuck and Dirk is away at the cottage. I am trying to get the Afghans done for the bridal shower.  Hard on my hands. I do get up and just watch out the window.
How little we notice the beauty of every day surroundings.  Maybe I am not like most people. I do find a true joy just watching how the leafs are getting bigger day by day, how the lilac and apple blossom buds are opening, how the birds don’t seem to be happy that I am cutting down on the feeding. It is time they get uses on self support. The whole place looks so peaceful.

The two rabbits are enjoying them selves and I do enjoy there connection or disagreements.  It just is peace people ignore. It is a beauty better than any human artist can make.  Being alone I do feel abandoned lots of time, but when I look out there – I’m not. The Lord creates the view to peace…

May 14 2013

It is late to be awake for me. It has been a busy day. I was doing work that actually is beyond my capability, but I did feel good and can not say that my arthritis made too big of pain. I was anxious to try my electric lawn mover. Sonja does not want to do this work, at least for me that I know, any more. So I have to find someone to help me doing with the work my body refuses to handle. Dirk’s son Nathaniel was going to do the cutting. It isn’t grown enough to do it yet, but I thought , I have still the electric lawn mover in the shed and decided to try if it works after all the years it has been laying there open to rust and what ever deteriots it.
 To my own surprise, I did manage to get it going and even cut the places on the lawn where the weeds had grown bigger. It works. I can do some of myself – for exercise.  Maybe not the whole lawn at once, but it makes me feel good that it did not hurt me. My back wasn’t really happy about it but it was not more that I could not handle without taking painkillers. Great feeling to be able to manage once need by me.
I do have problem with the computer. I still can not find how to get additional entries in my blog.  Dirk said he will come and see what he can correct in m my mess. He is such a great helper; I have no way of how to thank him.
So I decided to write just on any file and transfer later to the blog.
The e-mail I got from Ruta – I can see that her life has a different way of floating through than mine.  Indra does not answer much on my e-mails. Where are relationships between siblings?
Maybe I am different, but in what way do I deserve to be ignored?
I am sure glad I found connection with God and belong to the church where people try more or less to live as Jesus asked them. So do I.
It does bring peace in the soul even in a little creations God has made and normally we don’t notice. Well, for me it is the thing to enjoy and know – we don’t rule anything in our life. In a way I am glad even so some days are hard to help my mind at peace.
 See how I manage from now. Depends of when Dirk will find time and set my mind technically at peace. He is great and I do admire how he manages all the good deeds he does. May god bless him.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Just another day

May 10, 2013

It is raining. First things in the morning feels down pressing. Darkness is never a good feeling.
Just as the day went the rain never amount to anything big, just enough to help the nature to wake up of the winter sleep.
Why am I writing?
Just feels like a nice day anyway. I've taking pictures from  inside the house as the birds at the feeder and the rabbits  making a date. It looks like the whole nature has a need to have some "drink" to give the energy to start a new seasons growth.
At my regular evening routine I noticed that my vision was exceptionally good in comparison of other evenings. I do wonder why?
Will I ever get an answer or is it just my believe and faith that God is with me? In any case I do feel exceptionally good without thinking if I am in a dream or imagination.
I don't have any other way of share my joyful feeling than just write here. How good does it do to me or is anyone sharing it with me - really does not matter. It is good to be able to see clearer than before - vision or imagination - medical help - or God's blessing? - Just enough to have a grateful and joyful evening.
Blessed night for every one , if you ever read this.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 7th

I was yesterday on another Eduard Klassens concert. We live miles apart and meat only at the concerts. Something touches me and he responds as lovely as I wish anyone else would do.
There must be an extraterestial connection between us. Invisible strings that bind us. It changes my whole day's ruffles when I meet him and listen to his musicc and speech. Mystery or God's guided relationship?
I just wonder. To me every time I meet him and hear his concert and speech, even some might be repeat, gives me like another  blessing of peace. I have not asked how he feels about it, but  - I think the hugs I get says it.
It makes a day to forget all worldly troubles.
Thank you Eduard.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

May 4th 2013

Waiting -
Isn't that what life is about?
I am accusing anyone - just lonely - who knows what is it like to be my age , always being active, maybe not always the way God wants me to go. I am getting more tired physically , but so far my mind and my soul is still active and criticising myself. Am I  expecting things that other people can not do? I did spent my life helping people who were incapable to hep themselves. I really felt good then. But according to the Bible - what you give will get returned some time or other.  Am I at this point insignificant and unimportant? I still have the same feelings for others I had when I was filling my days without thinking if  I have a life of my own - just help others to feel as comfortable and as loved as I did. Did I make illusions for my self? Isn't that the real earthly way of living? Why am I so frustrated? To me it feels like I have always given and never received the love I thought was suppose to come back to me?
I guess I'll never know the real truth until there after...

Saturday, April 27, 2013

April 27, 2013

April 27, 2013

It is suppose to be spring. Today we have sun, though it started the day cloudy.
The worst part are the changes on the Internet that makes it hard to find how to add another
entry. I can't remember what I wanted to write about. The connection is so hard or maybe I am getting too old to do any more writing.
Being alone I would like to write more on the blog, but I don't even know how I got on this or if it will be posted on my blog. I know there are no people that I know off reading my bog anyway. Just like to be busy so my thinking don't start fading away.
Just remains to see if I got it on.
 Well, I checked on the preview and it is going on.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

I am not suppose to think so deep. Today after having a visitor and couple phone calls from relatives I could not stop floating in the thought how do they read my poems? Does it ever enter their minds the thought why I wrote that poem? I do write only when I have thoughts that touch me too deep, hurt or misunderstand what I did like to say looking for someone who could take time and discuss my reasons.
Most of them are longing to find more loving people. Am I unrealistic? Do I always float on a dream rainbow? Is my heart so tender that no one can understand why I feel like I do? My medical physician does understand. The only thing is that I don't have enough time for personal time enough with her. For some reason , that is my soul, they like to get out of f me and if I am distorted to get straighten. Life's standards are changing by the day and I am having hard time letting the good things from the past go watching that today's society drops them  as old fashioned, inconvenient etc.
Since when LOVE isn't love anymore? How is it different today than it was ages ago? Sad loss.
I am still hoping for rebirth...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I've been told not to think so much, but nothing is so hard as to control the wandering of your own thoughts. I just published my book " Wandering" an after a session at the church about the Journey Forward my thoughts made me re-read a poem I wrote in it:


No one has enough time
Or so they say.
Yet it’s the most priceless gift
We have through God’s grace.
Why is it so seldom that
We share it with others?

And my ever non-stoppable thoughts put the suggestions of the church work to: look up, look in and look out evaluating my own way of living. I did look up - I do believe the Lord must have made me to write this book. Then I had to look in myself to find out and evaluate what I have in me to give to others by looking out. Further my thoughts started to think about what I wrote - sharing.  Time is a very priceless thing to give and it does not cost any money if we remember the word sacrifice. We are using time watching TV, playing games on iPods and other "newly" invented toys. Do they help anyone to see that life is still worth living even if you are lonesome and forgotten?
I think we are too superficial in lot of things that really are meaningless to live or don't we have anything in ourselves to give?
Why not "sacrifice" some of the so called recreational time to help or socialize with people who are forgotten and ignored for some reason or other?
Am I thinking too idealistic?
What do we sacrifice in this period of worldly life? The Bible , the old testament", said all kinds of sufferings and offerings  for the praise of God. What do we sacrifice?
.. yes, I've been told I'm thinking too deep. Really?'s hard to stop when you are alone without anyone but God to talk to and to see that he made "this day" for a reason...

Friday, February 1, 2013


The first month of this year is gone. I have not had any real happy days. The year started with a common cold and I was not thinking it might get worse. But I am my own worst enemy because I never realized that I am building my own stress, many times for meaningless things; this did get my blood pressure high and not knowing much about health proceedings I damaged my own eye that had the macular ( wet) degeneration stopped. Now the blood pressure has opened it again. Besides, I was not aware of that and was thinking and worrying that I might have flu. I did not have any symptoms of it that I new of. So it did stress my soul and mind thinking I am at the age  close to life's end. More stress and I was having hard time even to do my bare necessities. How I wished I had some one to talk to and needed a little bit of help to get the stress down. An odd day I felt better, but then I thought again about what else will happen and I was stressed again. Finally I had my regular appointment with my family doctor. She said I did not have flu and told me not to think so much to eliminate the stress that had called all those bodily malfunctions. I felt better after.
  Next week I had a regular check up with my retina specialist doctor. I felt easy going to Toronto to see him. I like him, he is so good to talk to. However, this time my examination showed the damage that the stress had done. My left eye has started to progress the macular deterioration. He started the treatment with the medicine injection in the eyeball and will order an angiogram for me. That did not create a joy. I am trying to follow my physician's advise to control my stress build up. It is hard not to think, especially like I was so used to find details of anything I happen to have popping in my mind. I am trying not to build fear of all this. It is so hard to control my own self made stress.
The only one who could help me must be God and I have to make sure my faith and trust Him will help... Will I be strong enough? - it's scary...

Friday, January 25, 2013

just thinking

I don't even know why I am writing the blog. There are no responses. The same is about face book or even e-mail. What is a use of writing if there are no responses? I feel like giving up the whole digital connections. It is bad enough to live alone and aging without stop. There are no one interested. I assume that at my age I don't fit into current societies life style and conversation themes. Sad. I just got a new poetry book published  well knowing that there hardly be anyone buying it. So I do give most away. The reason  - it might make receivers pay a little thought why I wrote it. It is one way of trying to understand who I am? I do feel like I don't belong anywhere. Am I talking a different language - I thought my English was short enough to illustrate my feelings and happenings in my soul that might find some friends with similar thoughts and doubts about LIFE. I think I am pretty well at peace in my soul, just missing friends who might like to question what made me think what I wrote about.
I guess I am kidding myself again - there wont be any response to this piece. Just makes me go deeper thinking why people are so floating on Life's surface?
Is that why we live for?
A new thing for me to think and learn to accept to let it be.
Be  - for what or who?...