Thursday, November 15, 2012

another day

I ended up crying at a neighbours place to fill my day I felt wasted. I am suppose to be a poet. So I am trying to get another book of long omitted poems  knowing I might not live long enough to be creative.
It did create the so called depression - I just don't know why. I have a collection of poems since 1990.
It it  a long time to look back written at the time emotions screamed to get out, but -  etiquette did not permit it. I have tried to behave according to present (or maybe outdated ways of relating to people).
I do have about 100 poems to correct presentable for publishing. Beastly me! Why should I speak and write by some one else's program? My life was and is not like theirs. Yet, if any one reads my feelings, screaming in the poetry, they might make comparisons and learn some way to solve theirs.
This sounds like a diary I don't like to write publicly, but what will I gain or learn keeping it all in my self? I don't get any comments so far.  I might not ever. But... God, please grant peace for my mind...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Another day gone not thinking much if I should write on the blog. It  is like a diary just letting strangers read it. I did work on a new poetry book today. I'm not shure if I will be able to accomplish it. Never learning , never schooling  how to do it, I wander in my thoughts all impossible realities. God has granted all of us with special talents. I don't think it always is art. It is opening my heart and trying to find friensds with interests we can shear. The world is so muddled up politicaly and many other ways with disaggreements. Love is lost somewhere, burried of "economical" - greed  ways of living.
I am writing this just to ease my mind how to carry on surviving the time God has made me to be. What ever His goal is for me bothers me - am I good enough to accomplish His destination for me?
It is easy to find excuses for doing or not doing things. When will I  feel secure that I am folowing His designated road for me? Will I ever in this life time here on earth? It is frustruating. How do I know I'm not making another sin? I do pray, but not always sure He hears me or responds to it.
It is trembling my soul about what ever will be. Yet that is all there is  - just be...The Lord knows how...

Monday, November 12, 2012

First snow

First snow at November 11, 2012
It has been a very mild waiting for usualy common
snowy days at this time of the year. Rtght now I am trying to
 find how to manage to put the pictures on the blog.This is a
pretty sight for a serene day.

I hope it stays successfully on the blog posting. I have hard time
learning. Annelise helped, but after I messed it up again
and had to find the hardway how to get it done Hope it sticks.

"golden age"

This year most deciduous trees changed their colours mostly yellow. It was impressive, though - maybe the Lord's message that nature quietly lets us see why we call this season in life "the golden age".
It is hard to know how long this golden age will last in human life's fall season. The golden look in nature , we know, will last only a short time
to surrender for winters white rest.
My life's autumn? I would like to know how much longer it will last, but - I don't think the Lord is telling me.
I am getting frustrated with the constant "improvement" changes on the computer and it is hard to continue doing as I did up till now. I am fortunate that there are friends in younger generations who are willing to fin time and help me finding way out of the new frustrations. I still have to learn and learn. Will it ever stop and I could be content that I know what I need?
I am expecting Annelise to come and refresh some of my way of working, so waiting for her I managed to get this written. I'm not sure if it will post on the previous Blog. I'm trying and hoping that Annelise can straighten my way to work in peace again.